1945-11 Telegrams re Murray's return

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Item number: 233


Storage location: Folder 3

· Helen Margaret Hall · William Murray Wilson · Harold Aubrey Hall · Patricia Helen Robertson (née Martin) ·

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Six telegrams written to Margaret Wilson from her husband Murray on his return to Australia from Japan in 1945, and a couple from other people as well.

Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions and is in the public domain.
This work entered the public domain in 1955.

places = Darwin; Townsville; Perth; Arrino people = HMH; WMW; PHR; HAH


The images below are linked to their canonical records, from where you can download the full high-resolution versions.

Murray to Edith, Tuesday 6th, Darwin: "Arrived Darwin yesterday will probably be here till Friday should get home Friday afternoon all my love Murray"
Murray to Margaret, Thursday 8th, Darwin: "Still hoping to make tomorrows plane my darling will wire you definitely if I do love you Murray"
Pat to Margaret, Thursday 8th, Perth: "Delighted to hear your good news Pat and Norman"
Murray to Margaret, Friday 9th, Darwin: "At long last have made it my darling home tomorrow Friday afternoon love you ... Murray"
Aubrey to Margaret, Tusday 13th, Arrino: "Te deum laudamus Dad"
https://archive.org/details/HMW233/1945-11-13 Telegram Aubrey Hall to Margaret Wilson.jpg
Murray to Margaret, Tuesday 13th, Townsville: "Posted home my darling expect to reach Darwin Monday afternoon will wire you from there love you ... Murray" *Presumably the date on this is wrong; perhaps it's meant to be Saturday 3rd?*